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What Happens Once the Talent's Gone?


It makes no sense at all to end a program that obviously maked Cleveland a better place to live. Cleveland is a city that most of the talent leaves because of the lack of oppurtunities . It it goes away, then so goes the rest of talent, little by little.


-Tiffany Southall


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About me

My most recent art teaching experience was at Judson Park Retirement Center in 2014 working hands-on with residents. My main role is working directly with the patients while in licensed enviroments. Judson Park has the first establish Art Theraphy program in the country. I worked directly with Cathy Bryan to provide some assistance with limited mobility patients and special needs. Working with the residents of Judson Park marked my newly inspired journey with art and re-ignited my passion for art.


After receiveing surgery in 2013 and lossing my job art became my only outlet. I was able to say everything I felt in my heart with a paint brush. I create my artwork for pure joy and love of color. I get excited when I feel the textures of the canvas as it pops when my fingers cross the cords. My favorite moment is when I have developed a picture to a point that I can finally feel content with my work.


I started painting in the seventh grade during middle school. It was my first experience with paint. I had a chance to explore color mixing, design, and study still life. This was an introduction that changed my life. I had always taken a liking to drawing and writing but painting allowed me to use color.


Painting spoke to my heart and forced me to say things I wanted to say with colors instead of words. In High School my parents were seperated and art became my outlet to vent. I spent most of my free time in art classes where I developed design principles with my art teachers Mrs. Dagmar Clements , Mr. Robert Bush,  and Jennifer Pozz


One of my most memorable moments is when my art class went the Cleveland Museum of Art and I met Viktor Schreckengost (1905-2008) . It was then I realized that an artist can be famous in his lifetime. Every since then the love of art has been forever etched in my life.  


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What ae the strong points of my artwork?


I am confident in my art abilities, I enjoy relating to people through my work. I have enjoy relating to others through art work because I have studied so many historical pieces in lectures. By studying so many different stlyes and learning new techniques of my own creates a diverse collection of artwork. My work inspires people all over the country of all ages. It makes creating my artwork so much easier.


I have helped develop plans for leaders and entrprenuers to achieve business goals. Art is more than just on a canvas because we encounter designs everywhere. I learned  the creation of new innovative artwork enables me to coach other ambitious artist through this and  support to make a living by creating meaningful artwork. 



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You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. ~Jack London



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